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2016 Deb Ball Group
2016 Deb Ball Group 2
Presentation 6



​As the Lebanese Syrian American Junior League hosted its 38th Debutante Ball & Scholarship Presentation in 2016, we did so with a great debt of gratitude and a special prayer for the woman who first brought the idea of such a grand affair to our organization:  Geraldine “Jerri” Haddad.  


Back in the mid 1950s, Jerri attended a Sweetheart Ball in California.  Upon her return to Cleveland, she expressed her desire to have the League host such an event.  She became chairwoman of the first Ball, held in 1958 at the Lakeshore Country Club, and her committee established standards which are still followed today.  Although Jerri has passed away, her enthusiasm and desire to toast the accomplishments of the young men and women of our community lives on.  


The Ball was an opportunity to celebrate the introduction of young ladies and gentlemen into the Lebanese and Syrian community of Greater Cleveland.  Debutantes and escorts throughout the years were high school juniors, graduating seniors, or college freshman of Lebanese and Syrian descent.  League members, family and friends enjoyed witnessing these young adults being presented and acknowledging their achievements and aspirations. The debutantes were presented by their fathers or a close relative, and were honorably accompanied by the escorts, whose achievements were also recognized.


​From 1958 to 1971, the Ball took place every other year.  The League sponsored its first Debutante Tea in 1966.  â€‹The debutantes and escorts of 1967 were the first to experience private dining in the setting of the Sheraton Grand Ballroom.  From 1971 to 1986, due to the great number of Baby Boomer participants coming of age, a Ball took place every year as the Sheraton became Stouffer’s Inn on the Square.  In 1987, the Ball was moved to Executive Caterers at Landerhaven and resumed it's every other year cadence. The last Debutante Ball was held in 2016.


​The Lebanese Syrian American Junior League took great pride in hosting this magnificent and elegant affair for our community. We treasure these events and their memories.

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